Corn products are developed each year with the potential for improved agronomics and yield. Many include a proven pest management trait package. A primary goal should be to select products with a high yield potential along with traits that will control the specific pests in each field and protect yield potential.
Several options for advanced technology traits are available to help protect the corn crop from insect pests. Genuity® VT Double PRO® RIB Complete® corn blend provides a unique combination of dual modes-of-action to protect against a broad spectrum of above-ground insect pests.
What is Genuity VT Double PRO RIB Complete Corn Blend?
Genuity VT Double PRO RIB Complete corn blend offers dual modes of action for above-ground insect protection, including protection for corn earworm, fall armyworm, southwestern corn borer, and European corn borer, as well as tolerance to Roundup® agricultural herbicides.
It is a blend of 95 percent Genuity® VT Double PRO® insect-protected seed and five percent refuge (non-B.t.) seed and simplifies refuge planning and establishment while still meeting Insect Refuge Management (IRM) requirements for the field in the corn-growing area.
Evaluate Genuity VT Double PRO RIB Complete Corn Blend
Things to consider when determining if Genuity VT Double PRO RIB Complete corn products are a good fit for a particular operation include:
- Germplasm and Traits. Corn products should be selected for a particular field based on a combination of agronomic c haracteristics, yield potential, and the trait package that helps protect yield potential.
- Rotation and Geography. Because Genuity VT Double PRO RIB Complete corn blend does not include a root protection trait, it is best suited to rotated acres or geographies where rootworm pressure is not present. For areas with rootworm pressure or continuous corn acres, Genuity® SmartStax® RIB Complete® corn blend products are recommended.
Where corn rootworm is not present, Genuity VT Double PRO RIB Complete corn blend can provide excellent protection against above-ground insects. Without protection from a product like Genuity VT Double PRO RIB Complete, corn earworm can destroy up to 7% of yield potential.