There is little to no risk for western bean cutworm damage in the next five days.
There is little to no risk for corn earworm migration in the next five days.
There is little to no risk for corn rootworm damage in the next five days.
There is little to no risk for soybean aphid damage in the next five days.
There is little to no risk for black cutworm damage in the next five days.
There is little to no risk for western bean cutworm migration or damage in the next five days.
There is little to no risk for black cutworm migration or damage in the next five days.
Ensure you’re maximizing your fight against insect pressure by comparing corn traits to competitors’ alternative platforms.
Minimize risk. Maximize yield potential. All by understanding how the pests that threaten your yield operate.
Corn earworm (Helicoverpa zea) is found throughout North America except for northern Canada and Alaska.
The annual western bean cutworm moth flight is just beginning across the corn-growing region, with the first moths caught in traps in the usual active…