Black Cutworm
Black cutworm migration risks will be on the increase beginning late tomorrow and are expected to continue into Monday morning as a low pressure system and attendant cold front move from west to east across the corn-growing region. Low risks are in place in increasing south to southwesterly flow from northeast Kansas as far north as southern Minnesota and Wisconsin and also east into southwest lower Michigan and Indiana. Moderate risks then enter the forecast by Sunday night into Monday morning from central Illinois east into Ohio and north into southern lower Michigan as the source region is expected to be in a more favorable location across the mid-south and southern corn-growing region. Once the front clears the region by late Monday, no additional risks are predicted. However, corn growers located in the central and eastern corn-growing regions should keep this flight in mind as these early-season flights can be the ones responsible for the cutworms that result in damage on newly-emerged corn later this spring.