Insect Alert For

Black Cutworm

Risk Level:
No Risk
Affected Area:
No risk Full page
Alert Details

Predominately north to northeast winds are predicted across much of the corn-growing region for a few days in the wake of a cold front passage. As a result, no risk of black cutworm migration is predicted until late in the weekend and early next week ahead of the next developing weather system across the northern Plains. By late Sunday into Monday, southerly winds are expected to increase to the east of a developing low pressure system in the Nebraska/South Dakota region. Low black cutworm migration risks are in place from the eastern Plains into Iowa and Minnesota during this time, especially to the west of I-35. By Monday night into Tuesday morning, a cold front is predicted to move east into the northern corn-growing region, with south to southwest winds spreading east and potentially increasing in speed. There are still some question marks regarding this system, so only Low migration risks are in the forecast at this time distance due to the uncertainty, but areas from near I-35 all the way east to the I-69 corridor in southern lower Michigan and eastern Indiana are in the risk. If the system continues to look favorable for the stronger winds, then a risk upgrade may be needed in future forecasts.