Black Cutworm
Increased black cutworm migration risks are back in the forecast by this weekend and early next week as a cold front pushes southeast through the corn-growing region. As low pressure organizes in the Plains states Saturday into Saturday night, south winds are likely to increase especially west of the Mississippi River from source regions in Texas and Oklahoma. Recently planted fields from Kansas and Missouri north into southeast South Dakota and Minnesota may see some isolated black cutworm flights Saturday night into Sunday morning. A greater chance of moth flights is expected Sunday night into Monday morning, however, across the mid-Mississippi River valley as the cold front pushes southeast and also as the parent low pressure deepens. Moderate black cutworm migration risks are in place across far eastern Iowa, much of Illinois, far western Indiana and Kentucky, and eastern Missouri where some scattered moth flights are possible. A greater percent of corn acres has been planted in the Moderate risk area, and growers should monitor traps and moth activity closely as we move into next week and observe if any significant moth captures occur. Additional migration risks appear possible mid-late next week, as well.