Insect Alert For

Black Cutworm

Risk Level:
Low Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

An active week of weather is likely across at least portions of the corn-growing region this week. As a result, black cutworm migration risks are in the forecast on a nightly basis through Thursday but are being kept in the Low category for now given uncertainty in exact frontal positions, strength of southerly winds, and also precipitation contamination. Low risks are predicted tonight into tomorrow mainly across Kansas, Missouri, and into southern Illinois as any southerly winds feeding north from southerly source regions will likely not make it much further north than the I-70 corridor. Low risks then expand north and east tomorrow night into Wednesday as low pressure deepens in the Plains states and high pressure moves off to the east. Southerly winds may occur as far north as Nebraska, Iowa, and Illinois during this time. The best chance for migration appears to be Wednesday night into Thursday especially across the eastern corn-growing region as a cold front moves east. This would be the time period that a potential risk upgrade could occur, but at this point just Low risks focus from the southern Great Lakes into the eastern regions. Little to no risk is predicted late week into the weekend given unfavorable wind flow.