Insect Alert For

Black Cutworm

Risk Level:
Low Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

An active period of weather is anticipated over the next week or so across much of the corn-growing region. As a result, black cutworm migration risks are also on the increase given expected south to southwest flow and the potential for multiple frontal passages. Low risks are in place tonight generally across the Plains into the far western Midwest as low pressure continues to organize in the Plains states with south winds to its east. The risk area changes little tomorrow night into Sunday, although it does shift a little east in response to high pressure moving east in the southern Great Lakes region. Moderate risks enter the forecast by Sunday night into Monday morning as a cold front begins to push into the Plains and precipitation becomes at least a little more common. The Moderate risk area extends from northeast Nebraska and northwest/western Iowa north into portions of central and southern Minnesota as well as eastern South Dakota. The greatest risk is in fields that were just recently planted or where planting has yet to occur. Low risks continue in the forecast early next week across a good portion of the corn-growing region, especially to the east of I-35, as the cold front slows down due to another low pressure forming back in the Plains states by that time and continued at least weak south to southwest winds southeast of the front. Additional increased risks may be needed by next week once forecast confidence increases.