Insect Alert For

Black Cutworm

Risk Level:
Low Risk
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Alert Details

Black cutworm migration risks will be on the increase especially heading into early-mid next week as a strong low pressure system develops in the Plains states and moves somewhat slowly across much of the corn-growing region by late week. Before that point, we do have a Low migration risk tonight into Saturday primarily across the southern Great Lakes and eastern corn-growing region as a weak cool front moves east tonight into tomorrow. Enough southerly wind flow east of this front may allow for some isolated moth flights. The main focus, however, is on next week with Moderate migration risks already in the forecast by Monday night into Tuesday from Kansas, Missouri, and Illinois as far north as southern Minnesota and Wisconsin. Additional Moderate risks in fairly strong southerly flow then focus from eastern Illinois into Indiana, Ohio, and southern lower Michigan Tuesday night into Wednesday as the system makes a move to the east. We encourage growers to continue to monitor forecasts especially early next week for the latest information on this potential migration risk.