Insect Alert For

Corn Earworm

Risk Level:
Moderate Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

Active southwest flow is expected to continue through the rest of the week and potentially into at least a portion of next week, as well. Despite the calendar being September, numerous crops are still at susceptible stages to damage due to late planting and slower than average maturing rates this year, so corn earworm moth flights are still a concern. The weather pattern is expected to remain favorable for additional moth flights during this forecasting cycle. Moderate migration risks are predicted tonight into tomorrow across eastern Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, southwest Wisconsin, and northwest/western Illinois with Low risks further east into southwest lower Michigan and Indiana. As a cold front begins moving southeast through the corn-growing region by late Thursday into Friday, the Moderate risk area shifts east into Illinois, lower Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio with Low risks into southern Ontario, Canada and the remainder of Ohio. A brief break in the risks is expected late Friday into Saturday, but southwest winds are expected to increase already by late Saturday into Sunday with Low migration risks predicted from northern Kansas and Missouri northeast as far as southern Minnesota, Wisconsin, and lower Michigan. Growers with crops at growth stages where corn earworm could cause damage/yield loss should continue to actively monitor traps and scout fields until the crop is past critical growth stages.