Insect Alert For

Corn Earworm

Risk Level:
Low Risk
Affected Area:
No risk Full page
Alert Details

Low corn earworm migration risks return to the forecast late this week and into the early portion of the upcoming weekend as another strong low pressure system and attendant cold front move southeast through the corn-growing region. There are still some crops in the northern portion of the region, especially, that are still at risk of seeing corn earworm damage so Low migration risks are in the forecast from northeast Nebraska into Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, northern Illinois, and eventually east into lower Michigan, northern Indiana, and northern Ohio as well as southwest Ontario, Canada beginning late Thursday into Friday west of Lake Michigan and primarily east of Lake Michigan Friday night into Saturday. Growers with crops still at susceptible stages to damage, especially processors and fresh market growers, but also latest planted/maturing field corn growers should continue to monitor traps and scout fields until the crop is harvested or is no longer at a stage where corn earworm damage is a concern.