Insect Alert For

Corn Earworm

Risk Level:
Low Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

Low corn earworm migration risks remain in the forecast for the next two nights as a cold front moves southeast through the corn-growing region. Rather gusty south to southwest winds are likely ahead of the front along with precipitation right near and just ahead of the front, so Low short-distance corn earworm migration risks are predicted east of the front tonight from eastern Nebraska into Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, northern Illinois, northern Indiana, northern Ohio, and into lower Michigan as well as far southwest Ontario, Canada. Low risks focus further east tomorrow night into Wednesday morning from eastern Iowa and southeast Wisconsin east into the southern Great Lakes and eastern corn-growing region. Growers with crops still at a susceptible stage to corn earworm damage, especially processors and fresh market growers, should continue to check traps and scout fields until the crop is harvested or a freeze occurs this fall.