Corn Earworm
Corn earworm migration risks will be on the increase over the next several days to week as a combination of a favorable weather pattern for migration locks in and mid-south and southern source regions becoming less attractive hosts compared to further north. Low risks are in place tonight into tomorrow mainly west of the I-39 and I-55 corridors in central Wisconsin south into central and western Illinois as the warm and humid air makes a return to areas generally west of the Mississippi River. Low risks continue in the forecast tomorrow night into Friday as far east as the I-75 corridor in lower Michigan and western Ohio. Given the higher confidence forecast by the weekend into early next week, Moderate corn earworm migration risks are now in the forecast all three days with risks initially focusing from Kansas and northwestern Missouri as far north as far east/southeast South Dakota and southwest Minnesota Friday night into Saturday. The elevated risk spreads east into Wisconsin and Illinois Saturday night into Sunday, and remains largely in place into early next week with southwest lower Michigan and Indiana also in the Moderate risk by Sunday into Monday. It appears at this time that migration risks will be greatest along/east of I-35 this weekend into early next week, but all growers across the corn-growing region with crops at susceptible stages to damage should monitor traps and scout fields as new moth flights, at least on an isolated to scattered basis, are likely over the next week in many growing regions.