Corn Earworm
Moderate corn earworm migration risks are in the forecast the next two nights as a favorable weather pattern for migration remains in place. Moderate risks are predicted tonight into tomorrow across eastern Nebraska, Iowa, southern Minnesota, southwest Wisconsin, and northwest Illinois with Low risks extending east into lower Michigan and northern Indiana. The Moderate risk region shifts east slightly tomorrow night into Sunday, mainly focusing over Iowa, southeast Minnesota, southern Wisconsin, and northern Illinois with Low risks as far east as I-75 in lower Michigan and northwest/western Ohio. Southerly winds in advance of a cold front in the Plains and northern corn-growing region and high pressure to the east may allow for scattered moth flights. Growers with crops at susceptible stages to corn earworm damage, including late planted field corn and processing/fresh market crops, are encouraged to continue to monitor traps and scout fields as recent and new moth flights are either present or may become present in the next several days. Little, if any, additional migration risk exists after Sunday as a cold front moves southeast and interacts with Hurricane Ida over the southern United States, leading to north to northeast flow over the corn-growing region, shutting down any additional migration possibilities.