Corn Earworm
A weak cool front is expected to push southeast through the corn-growing region late this week and into the weekend. A corridor of south to southwest winds originating in Texas and Oklahoma is expected to exist right up into the western and central corn-growing region ahead of this front. With host plants in the source region either moving past critical growth stages or just not as desirable given drought concerns, some moths may be motivated to find other food/water sources and fly north earlier than usual this year. Given these factors, a Low migration risk is in place from Kansas, Nebraska, and eastern South Dakota as far east as Wisconsin and Illinois especially for the Thursday night into Friday time period. There is still some uncertainty in exact placement of the front and any potential additional risks beyond Friday. Growers with crops at susceptible stages to corn earworm damage are encouraged to monitor traps and scout fields as moths may appear earlier this year given conditions in the southern states.