Corn Earworm
Corn earworm migration risks will be on the increase heading into the weekend and early next week as a rather broad area of south to southwest winds, at times gusty, sets up across a large portion of the corn-growing region. Initially, Low risks are predicted tomorrow night into Saturday mainly west of the I-35 corridor but then risks expand and increase heading into the middle and latter portions of the weekend. Moderate risks are in place from Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, northern and central Illinois, northern Indiana, and southwest lower Michigan by Saturday night into Sunday, and then as far east as southern/southwest Ontario, Canada and northern Ohio by Sunday night into Monday. Later planted field corn and other fresh market/produce as well as processing crops are most at risk at this point in the Moderate risk area. It does appear a cold front will clear much of the corn-growing region by around Tuesday or so next week, but until that time moth flights will be possible across a large portion of the region.