Corn Earworm
A cold front is expected to continue pushing east and southeast through the central and eastern corn-growing region over the next 24 hours. A corridor of south to southwest winds east of the front is likely to continue but is not expected to be as strong as over the weekend when Moderate migration risks were in place across a large portion of the northern corn-growing region. Nonetheless, some additional moth flights are still possible mainly along/east of the I-55 corridor from southeast Missouri northward into Illinois and points east in the southern Great Lakes and eastern corn-growing region. Once this front moves through, northwest flow once again returns to the region and little to no additional migration risk is predicted for this week. Growers with crops at susceptible stages to damage, however, will need to continue to monitor traps and scout fields as both larvae and new moths may be present in the same areas, and new flights may have occurred this past weekend.