Insect Alert For

Corn Earworm

Risk Level:
Low Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

A low pressure system and associated cold front is likely to progress from west to east through the corn-growing region over the next 4-5 days. To the east of the cold front, south to southwest winds are expected and may provide an opportunity for isolated corn earworm moth flights to occur from southern and mid-south source regions into the Plains and Midwest. Overall, the risk is rather limited due to weaker wind speeds. Initially, a Low risk is predicted tonight and tomorrow morning mainly south of I-90 and west of a LaCrosse, Wisconsin and Rockford, Illinois to Joplin, Missouri line. The risk spreads east to near Lake Michigan and the Illinois/Indiana border Saturday night and Sunday morning as high pressure currently in the central/eastern corn-growing region moves into the southeastern United States. By late in the weekend and early next week, primarily the central and eastern corn-growing region including portions of the Great Lakes region and southwest Ontario, Canada are at risk as the cold front pushes east. South to southwest winds are expected to decrease to the east of the front with time as the parent low pressure in southern Canada weakens, but enough wind flow keeps Low risks in the forecast.