Corn Earworm
After a brief break in the corn earworm migration risks for some this past weekend, risks will return to a good portion of the area at some point in the next week as another potentially active weather pattern sets up across the corn-growing region. Another low pressure system is expected to move through the area, and may result in at least some isolated corn earworm moth flights this week. Overall, however, wind flow is not expected to be as strong or as long of a duration with respect to southerly winds at any given point, so the blanket risk is being kept in the Low category for now. Low risks are predicted generally along/west of the US 65 corridor tonight into tomorrow, or from Missouri and Iowa and Minnesota west into the Plains region. Low risks then expand north and east tomorrow night into Wednesday as a cold front begins to move southeast. Low risks extend as far east as near Lake Michigan and the I-57 corridor by Wednesday morning. Low risks then focus mainly across the southern Great Lakes and southeastern corn-growing region by Thursday and potentially into Friday, as well, as the cold front moves somewhat slowly southeast. Given the time of year and crop stage in many areas, growers are encouraged to monitor traps closely and also scout fields as some new corn earworm moths likely flew into the corn-growing region in the last week, and additional moths are possible this week, as well.