Corn Earworm
The weather pattern is expected to turn more active in the next week, and corn earworm migration risks will be on the increase, as a result. The first system will move through the corn-growing region this weekend and into early next week. Low migration risks are predicted mainly east of I-35 as far east as near the I-69 corridor in lower Michigan and eastern Indiana tomorrow night into Sunday as southerly winds increase ahead of a deepening low pressure system moving through Iowa-Minnesota and eventually into the southern Great Lakes region. There are some disagreements in just how strong, or deep, this low pressure system will become especially Sunday into Monday, and that does have ramifications on the migration forecast. For now, we are predicting Moderate corn earworm migration risks especially in southeastern lower Michigan, northeast and eastern Indiana, northern Ohio, and into southern Ontario, Canada where regardless of scenario that plays out, the best chance for longer duration south to southwest winds originating from known corn earworm source regions in the mid-south and even into the lower Ohio River valley exists. Low risks extend back into the I-55 corridor and even slightly further west into Missouri and Illinois and then further east from there to the Moderate risk. Growers are advised to monitor traps and scout fields as new moths are, once again, expected to arrive into portions of the corn-growing region in the next week. Additional risks are likely next week and into the following weekend with additional weather systems.