Insect Alert For

Corn Earworm

Risk Level:
No Risk
Affected Area:
No risk Full page
Alert Details

Low corn earworm migration risks are predicted late this week and into next weekend as a fairly potent late summer/early fall storm system develops in the Plains and slowly moves to the east as it decreases in strength. Southerly winds will be on the increase as the week goes on, but any potential corn earworm migration should occur late in the week and into next weekend especially across portions of eastern Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and southwestern lower Michigan. Of greatest concern at this point late in the growing season is with fresh market and especially processing growers who may still have fields at susceptible stages to corn earworm damage. These growers should continue scouting and trapping efforts until harvest especially with field corn now past critical growth stages and with corn earworms looking for suitable remaining hosts this late in the growing season.