Insect Alert For

Corn Earworm

Risk Level:
No Risk
Affected Area:
No risk Full page
Alert Details

Low corn earworm migration risks are in the forecast tomorrow night into Friday and again Friday night into Saturday in response to a rather slow-moving area of low pressure that is expected to continue developing across the Plains states over the next several days. Southerly winds to the east of the low pressure may allow for some isolated shorter-distance moth flights into remaining processing and fresh market fields that may still be susceptible to corn earworm damage. A rather potent low pressure system is expected to develop off the east coast of the United States late Friday into Saturday and move north, and this system has resulted in a slight westward shift in the migration risk. Low risks are now focused west of Lake Michigan Friday into Saturday. Growers with crops still at vulnerable stages to corn earworm damage should continue trapping and scouting efforts until harvest.