Insect Alert For

Corn Earworm

Risk Level:
Moderate Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

An active central United States weather pattern over the next five days keeps corn earworm migration risks in place across a good portion of the corn-growing region on a near daily basis. In addition, with stronger south winds and periodic precipitation events expected especially next week, Moderate migration risks are in the forecast early next week for a portion of the southwest corn-growing region where silking is now occurring in field corn. Low risks are initially in place tonight from Kansas and Missouri northeast into Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, and Wisconsin as a cold front pushes southeast. Showers/storms along this front along with a relatively weak southwest wind may lead to isolated moth flights to the northeast. The risk shifts southeast into the southern corn-growing region with the cold front for Saturday night into Sunday morning. By next week, new low pressure develops and strengthens in the western Plains states. High pressure advances into the southeast United States. As a result, a classic setup for corn earworm migration may be in store by next Monday and Tuesday nights especially across the western Midwest and Plains region. With corn now silking in portions of the southwest corn-growing region and a favorable migration pattern now of higher confidence of occurring, a Moderate risk is in place in portions of Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, and Missouri. Continue to monitor subsequent forecasts for the latest information.