Insect Alert For

Corn Earworm

Risk Level:
Moderate Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

Enhanced corn earworm migration probabilities are in the forecast for the next two nights as a low pressure center and a cold front push their way through the corn-growing region. With high pressure centered over the southeast United States, a pressure gradient exists across the Plains and Midwest which will continue to result in south to southwest winds blowing across this region. Precipitation is likely in at least a scattered fashion along or just behind the cold front and this rainfall may serve as an insect drop zone region for any migrating moths. Moderate risks are predicted tonight across portions of Nebraska, Kansas, western Missouri, and western Iowa with Low risks into South Dakota, Minnesota, southwest Wisconsin, and Illinois. The Moderate risk area shifts east with the cold front Wednesday night into Thursday morning, and covers eastern Kansas, Missouri, eastern Iowa, southern Wisconsin, much of Illinois, Indiana, lower Michigan, western Ohio, and northwest Kentucky. Low risks extend all the way east to the Appalachian Mountains and into Ontario, Canada by Thursday morning. A break in migration prospects comes in late week and into early next weekend, but the next weather system emerging in the Plains states brings back a Low risk to Nebraska, Kansas, and portions of Iowa/Missouri by Saturday night and Sunday morning.