Insect Alert For

Corn Earworm

Risk Level:
Moderate Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

A moderate corn earworm migration risk is in place tonight into tomorrow morning across much of the central and eastern corn-growing region. A cold front is predicted to progress southeast through the area late today into early tomorrow morning. South to southwest winds in advance of the front and precipitation near or just behind the front may coincide in scattered areas to produce some moth flights and drop-out from southern Midwest and mid-south source regions. The Moderate risk area extends from eastern Kansas and Iowa east through Missouri, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, western Ohio, and northern Kentucky. Low risks extend into Ontario, Canada and to near the Appalachian Mountains. West to northwest winds follow the front tomorrow and Friday so no risk is predicted for these two days. By the weekend, however, the next low pressure system is expected to emerge into the Plains states and southerly winds should return to this region by Saturday and expand eastward into early next week. Low migration risks, as a result, are back in the forecast by Saturday night in the Plains states and then balloon east into Iowa, Missouri, and Illinois by Sunday night.