Corn Earworm
As a strong cold front advances from west to east across the corn-growing region this week, opportunities for corn earworm migration increase as well. South to southwest winds to the east of the front and precipitation along or just behind the front may coincide and produce a scattered moth flight across much of the corn-growing region especially from the Missouri River east. Low risks are in place tonight into Wednesday morning mainly south of the North/South Dakota border into Minnesota and west of the Mississippi River. Migration risks increase Wednesday night into Thursday morning and a Moderate risk is predicted from northeast Kansas and southeast Nebraska northeast into Missouri, Iowa, southeast Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, northwest Indiana, and western Michigan. Moderate risks continue Thursday night into Friday morning mainly across the eastern corn-growing region and into Canada with southeast Michigan, eastern Indiana, northern Kentucky, Ohio, western Pennsylvania, northwest New York, and southern Ontario, Canada in the Moderate risk area. Growers across the corn-growing region are urged to monitor their fields (if at a susceptible stage to corn earworm damage) for the presence of new and active corn earworm moths following this frontal passage.