Insect Alert For

Corn Earworm

Risk Level:
Low Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

Remnants of Hurricane Isaac are expected to track from Louisiana northward into the corn-growing region over the course of the next several days. Some corn earworm moth flights (usually on a small scale) have occurred in recent history with tropical systems moving from south to north into the corn-growing region so a Low risk is warranted for the next three nights to the northeast of the low center where south to southeast winds will be present. The risk tonight includes fields from eastern Kansas into Missouri, southwest Illinois, and western Kentucky. For Friday night into Saturday morning, the risk spreads northeast to include Missouri, southern Iowa, central and southern Illinois, western Indiana, and western Kentucky. Finally, as the center of Isaac moves into eastern Missouri or Illinois by Saturday night, Low risks continue from southeast Missouri into Illinois, Indiana, southern lower Michigan, Ohio, and Kentucky. Fields most susceptible to any flights at this time would be fresh market or processing crops so growers that still have fields susceptible to corn earworm damage should monitor for potential isolated flights and new moth presence in the next 5-7 days.