Insect Alert For

Corn Earworm

Risk Level:
Low Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

Corn earworm migration risks are on the increase across much of the corn-growing region in the next five days as an active weather pattern may result in scattered moth flights from the mid-south into the Midwest. Low pressure is expected to remain in the Plains states while high pressure holds firm in the southeast United States. A rather strong south to southwest wind pattern is expected between these two pressure systems, and rainfall may result in a favorable setup for insect drop-out across much of the corn-growing region. Low risks are in place tonight into Wednesday morning mainly south of I-80 and I-94 and west of the Ohio/Indiana line. South winds are predicted to increase in strength tomorrow night into Thursday morning, so a Moderate risk is predicted from eastern Kansas and Nebraska as far north as I-90 in South Dakota and Minnesota as well as into much of Iowa and Missouri. The Moderate risk area shifts east by late Thursday into Friday, and includes fields generally east of a line from Kansas City, Missouri to Madison, Wisconsin and west of I-69 and I-65 in southern Michigan and Indiana. Low risks extend as far east as the Ohio/Pennsylvania line and also into southwest Ontario, Canada by the end of the week and into next weekend. While crops are not at a susceptible stage to damage at this time, the weather setup is favorable for a more widespread first generation corn earworm moth flight and any hosts that are available may serve as breeding grounds for future generations that would affect fields later this summer. Growers across much of the corn-growing region are urged to monitor these host plants for signs of corn earworms in the next week.