Corn Earworm
After two days of unfavorable weather for corn earworm migration, Low risks return in the extended period as the next weather system emerges from the Rockies into the Plains. Southerly winds will initially return to the southern Midwest and central Plains regions especially by Saturday into Saturday night and a low risk of corn earworm migration is in place at this time. The risk expands north and east late Sunday into early Monday as the low pressure system and attendant warm front both lift north. The main risk area is located south of US 20 from Nebraska into Indiana. By Memorial Day, a warm and humid air mass with south to southwest winds originating in source regions over northern Texas is predicted to envelop much of the Corn Belt. Corn earworm migration risks are predicted as far north as Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan during this time period. Continued variable or very low/no trap counts in the mid-south and source regions in addition to crop stages precludes any higher risk at this time.