Insect Alert For

Corn Earworm

Risk Level:
Low Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

A weather pattern favorable for at least scattered corn earworm migration events is predicted to return to at least the western and central corn-growing region especially late this week and into next weekend. Persistent south to southwest winds originating from the southern Plains into the mid-south region may lead to increased moth counts further north into the Midwest. Fresh market and processing growers in addition to farmers that have later maturing crops should pay close attention to moth counts and activity by this weekend and into next week. Low risks are focused across the Plains for the next few nights as southerly winds remain confined to that region, but Moderate risks are in place for all three days of the extended forecast period starting Friday night into Saturday and continuing into next week. The Moderate risk is initially focused mainly west of a Topeka, Kansas to west of Minneapolis, Minnesota line but edges east into western Wisconsin, much of Iowa, and northern Missouri by Saturday night into Sunday. By Sunday night into Monday, Moderate risks are found as far east as Lake Michigan and also into Illinois. Low risks are predicted as far east as southwest Ontario, Canada and western Ohio by early next week as well. Continue to monitor forecasts for the latest information in the coming days!