Insect Alert For

Corn Earworm

Risk Level:
No Risk
Affected Area:
No risk Full page
Alert Details

Corn earworm migration risks are back in the forecast starting Sunday night into Monday and also Monday night into Tuesday primarily across the southwest corn-growing region, including portions of Kansas, southern Nebraska, southern Iowa, and northwest Missouri. High pressure is predicted to move into the southeastern United States by late in the weekend as low pressure organizes in the Plains states. South to southwest winds are likely to make a return to the Plains and western Midwest by the weekend, and may pose an isolated corn earworm migration risk by late in the weekend and early next week. Growers are advised that many crops are not at susceptible stages to damage so this risk is being issued more to provide an awareness that we may begin to see some first generation moths make their appearance into at least a portion of the corn-growing region in the next week.