Insect Alert For

Corn Earworm

Risk Level:
Moderate Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

An active weather pattern may lead to isolated to scattered corn earworm moth flights in the next week as a couple of weather systems are likely to move across the corn-growing region. The first system will advance east from the Plains states into the corn-growing region tonight. Southerly winds to the east of the deepening low pressure system may result in scattered moth flights especially from the mid-south region into portions of Missouri, southeast Iowa, Illinois, and potentially as far east as western Indiana where a Moderate migration risk is predicted. Widespread showers and thunderstorms are anticipated later today into tonight east of the low pressure system and these rains may provide the insect drop-out region. Low risks extend as far north as southern Wisconsin, southwest Michigan, and western Ohio. A break comes mid-late week but yet another weather system may result in primarily more isolated corn earworm moth flights across especially the central, southern, and eastern corn-growing region as conditions are not expected to be quite as optimal at that time. While the first generation corn earworm moth flight does not pose an immediate threat to crops at this time, the first generation sets the stage for the second generation later in the growing season which may be a concern especially if corn and other host plants are at susceptible stages to damage. Growers are urged to monitor traps within the next week, especially if included in a risk area, to monitor the severity of potential flights.