Corn Earworm
A cold front is predicted to pass through much of the corn-growing region in the next 24-48 hours. Along and ahead of the front, scattered to numerous showers and thunderstorms will be possible along with an increasing south to southwest wind. With high pressure moving east and southeast into the Carolinas, a favorable setup for corn earworm migration will continue across a portion of the corn growing region. Moderate migration risks are predicted tonight into tomorrow morning from southeast Nebraska into northern Missouri, Iowa, southeast Minnesota, central and southern Wisconsin, and northern and central Illinois where southwest winds are predicted to be the strongest. Low risks extend as far east as lower Michigan and northwest Ohio. Moderate risks continue in the forecast tomorrow night into Friday morning for fields slightly to the east of the risk tonight, including much of Iowa, southern Wisconsin, northern Missouri, central/northern Illinois, northern Indiana, northwest Ohio, and southern lower Michigan. Low risks extend into central and northern lower Michigan, southern Ontario, Canada, and eastern Ohio as well as western Pennsylvania. Once the front passes, winds are predicted to shift more to the west or northwest and decrease in strength especially with the parent low pressure system moving well northeast into Canada so no risk is predicted after Friday morning. Growers located especially in the upper Midwest and Great Lakes region should continue to monitor for the potential of new corn earworm moth flights in the coming days and also be on the lookout for new larvae as well on crops that are still at susceptible stages to damage.