Corn Earworm
An active weather pattern is predicted across a good portion of the corn-growing region in the next week as a series of frontal boundaries and associated low pressure systems traverse the Midwest. The result will be Low corn earworm migration risks throughout the next five days, although the risk remains in the Low category as trap counts and moth activity in mid-south and southern states source regions are below to much below average and the majority of the crops in the fields are not at a susceptible stage to damage at this point. Nonetheless, some isolated moth flights will be possible into especially the southern and central portion of the corn-growing region in the next week. Low risks are initially in place across Kansas, southern Nebraska, southwest Iowa, and far western Missouri tonight as southerly winds increase in this region. The Low risk area then shifts as far northeast as southern Minnesota and Wisconsin tomorrow night and east into Indiana as a warm front begins to strengthen and lift to the north. Over the weekend and into early next week, a general Low migration risk region is predicted from eastern Kansas and far eastern Nebraska into Ohio and southwest Ontario, Canada and generally along/south of US 20 west of Lake Michigan and south of I-94 east of Lake Michigan. South to southwesterly flow is predicted to eventually weaken as the front weakens and moves south next week, but some isolated flights may occur into areas especially east of the Mississippi River at that time.