Corn Earworm
Low corn earworm migration risks remain in the forecast the next three nights until a cold front passes through the corn-growing region and the overall weather pattern shifts to a northwest flow. In the meantime, Low risks are in place tonight mainly across Kansas but may also extend further north into southern Nebraska, far southwest Iowa, and far northwest/western Missouri as southerly winds increase to the south of a warm front. By tomorrow night into Thursday morning, a more widespread Low risk is in place as the parent low pressure system begins moving east along with a trailing cold front. South to southwest winds in conjunction with scattered to numerous precipitation areas may result in isolated corn earworm drop zones as far north as northern Iowa and southwest Wisconsin and east into Illinois. By Thursday night into Friday, the cold front pushes southeast into the southern Midwest, and any corn earworm migration risks are mainly confined to Kansas, southern and central Missouri, southern Illinois and Indiana, Kentucky, and southwest Ohio. No risk is predicted thereafter as northerly winds and cooler/drier air are predicted to move into much of the corn-growing region. Some tasseling corn is occurring especially in the southern corn-growing region so growers in these areas should especially be on the alert for signs of new moths in the next week.