Corn Earworm
Low corn earworm migration risks are in the forecast for the next two nights as a cold front/low pressure system moves east across the northern corn-growing region and into southern Canada. Southerly winds will be present to the immediate east of the cold front, and with scattered to numerous precipitation regions expected in this same area, Low corn earworm migration risks are warranted tonight from Kansas north into Nebraska, western Iowa, southeast South Dakota, and southwest Minnesota. As the front shifts southeast tomorrow into tomorrow night, the Low risk area is confined to fields mainly east of I-35 from Kansas into southeast Minnesota, and as far east as near Lake Michigan in Wisconsin and I-57 in eastern Illinois. The short duration of southerly winds and potential for precipitation further south, closer to active source regions, precludes a higher risk at this time. No additional migration risks are predicted into early-mid next week as northerly winds are expected to be in place across the whole of the corn-growing region.