Corn Earworm
An active holiday weekend of weather is predicted across especially the southern corn-growing region as a rather potent low pressure system moves from west to east across the Plains and through the lower Missouri River valley. This weather system may bring a few isolated corn earworm moth flights northward as early as tonight especially across Kansas and Nebraska but also potentially as far east as western Iowa and southwest Minnesota, as well. As the low organizes in the Plains, southerly winds should increase especially to the south of a warm front stretched out to the east of the low through Missouri and southern Illinois. Low migration risks are predicted near and south of this front Saturday night into Sunday morning, or roughly from US 34 in southeast Nebraska and extreme southern Iowa and central Illinois and points southward. The source region Saturday night is not predicted to be as favorable as Sunday night into Monday when Moderate risks are in place especially across the Missouri bootheel but also further north to near I-70 and Saint Louis, Missouri, and points east into southern Illinois, southwest Indiana, and western Kentucky. South to southwest winds in combination with precipitation near the northern edge of the Moderate risk area may lead to scattered moth flights from active corn earworm populations between I-20 and I-40 just the south in northwest Mississippi and Arkansas. As the system moves out early next week, a brief break in migration risks is predicted for Monday night into Tuesday, but already Low risks are in the forecast as the weather pattern favors southerly winds in the Plains and western corn-growing region by the middle of next week. Growers located near and south of I-80, but especially south/southeast of St. Louis, Missouri, should pay close attention to traps and their fields in the next week for signs of new moths especially if crops are at a susceptible stage to damage.