Insect Alert For

Corn Earworm

Risk Level:
Low Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

Corn earworm migration risks will be on the increase yet again as we head into the end of the week and next weekend. The next cold front is predicted to push southeast through the corn-growing region by late week and into the weekend. South to southwest winds east of the front along with precipitation will likely lead to scattered moth flights from favorable source regions in the mid-south north northeast into especially the central and eastern corn-growing region. Late-planted field crop and fresh-market/processing growers should monitor traps closely in the next week as new flights are anticipated. Low risks are predicted tonight into tomorrow morning in a narrow corridor from northern Kansas and northwest Missouri northeast into eastern Nebraska, extreme southeast South Dakota, western Iowa, and southwest Minnesota as a weak cool front pushes into this area. Low risks are then found across the Plains states tomorrow night into Thursday morning as the cold front and low pressure system organize. Moderate risks are then in the forecast each day through the extended period, initially across eastern Nebraska, southeast South Dakota, southern Minnesota, and western and central Iowa on Thursday night into Friday. By Friday night into Saturday, the Moderate risk shifts east into northeast Missouri, eastern Iowa, southeast Wisconsin, central and northern Illinois, northern Indiana, and southwest lower Michigan. As the front moves southeast this weekend, Moderate migration risks shift into eastern Indiana, Ohio, southeast lower Michigan, southern Ontario, Canada, far western New York, and western Pennsylvania.