Corn Earworm
A cold front will be slowly sagging its way south through the corn-growing region later today into tomorrow. To the southeast of the front, southwest winds are expected to persist along with prospects for precipitation. Corn earworm migration risks favor the eastern corn-growing region this evening, overnight, and into tomorrow morning as less widespread precipitation initially may allow some scattered moth flights into this area from source regions especially near St. Louis, Missouri and vicinity. Moderate risks are predicted from central and eastern Illinois into Indiana, Ohio, and southern lower Michigan as well as far southwest Ontario, Canada, with Low risks surrounding the Moderate risk in all directions. No risk is predicted tomorrow night into Friday morning as the front moves southeast of the area, but then Low risks re-enter the forecast over the weekend especially to the west of the Mississippi River as another low pressure system organizes and increases southerly winds across the Plains and into at least a portion of the corn-growing region. Fresh market and processing growers are strongly encouraged to continue monitoring traps and scout fields as numerous, intense flights have occurred across large portions of the northern corn-growing region in the last month, and some of these moths have been resistant to treatments.