Insect Alert For

Corn Earworm

Risk Level:
Low Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

Corn earworm migration possibilities will continue to be limited the next five days as a predominantly northwest flow weather pattern covers much of the eastern 2/3 of the country. Southerly winds have a tough time becoming established for any length of time in northwest flow patterns so migration events are less likely to occur on a larger scale. No risk is predicted through Thursday morning as northwest winds and/or high pressure keep southerly winds at bay in the mid-south and southern Plains region. By Thursday night, the next cold front is expected to drop southeast into the upper Midwest and Plains states. As high pressure in the corn-growing region moves southeast into the Ohio River valley, southerly winds will have the opportunity to expand north especially in the Plains states and western Midwest. A Low corn earworm migration risk is if place south of I-90 and west of US 71 at this time. The risk shifts east Friday night into Saturday morning and includes areas east of I-35 to roughly I-75, and also south of a line from Minneapolis to Green Bay and across Lake Michigan into lower Michigan. The risk remains in the Low category due to quick system movement and overall weak wind speeds which should limit both the number of moths in flight and their overall distance.