Insect Alert For

Corn Earworm

Risk Level:
Moderate Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

A Moderate corn earworm migration risk is predicted tonight into Friday morning across portions of Kansas, southeast Nebraska, Iowa, and northern/western Missouri as south to southwest winds increase into this area with origination likely in northern Texas and Oklahoma into southern Kansas. Precipitation is also very likely across especially the northern half of the Moderate risk area and may serve as an insect drop zone region. Low risks surround the Moderate risk area and include areas as far east as western/central Illinois.

As a predominantly northwest flow takes over the central and eastern United States by this weekend into early next week, only Low corn earworm migration risks are predicted and are largely focused across the central and southern corn-growing regions. A small Low risk area is predicted in Nebraska and northern Kansas Friday night into Saturday morning, with the risk area expanding east into Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana Saturday night and Sunday morning. No risk is predicted thereafter as any southerly winds should be confined mainly to the source regions across the southern Midwest and mid-south versus further north into the corn-growing region.