Insect Alert For

Corn Earworm

Risk Level:
Low Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

A cold front will be pushing through much of the corn-growing region between now and the end of this week. Ahead of the front, south to southwest winds originating in a favorable source region for corn earworm moths across the mid-south and southern corn-growing region may lead to at least isolated to potentially scattered moth flights over the next few nights. Low risks are in place tonight from northern Kansas and Missouri north into eastern South Dakota, Minnesota, and far western Wisconsin as well as generally along/west of the Mississippi River. Tomorrow night into Thursday morning, however, the overall risk level is increased into the Moderate category for southern Wisconsin, northern and central Illinois, far eastern Iowa, northern Indiana, and southwest lower Michigan with Low risks as far east as Detroit, Michigan and into Ohio. No additional risks are predicted after midday Thursday morning as the cold front moves east, but growers with crops at susceptible stages should monitor traps and scout fields as needed following the potential flight the next two nights.