Corn Earworm
Corn earworm migration risks are in the forecast for the next three nights as a cold front works its way from northwest to southeast through the corn-growing region. Only low risks are in the forecast, however, as the overall pattern is not as conducive for more widespread flights. South to southwest winds, along with some scattered precipitation regions, are expected east of the front especially from northern Kansas and Missouri into eastern South Dakota, Minnesota, and western Wisconsin tonight. By tomorrow night, the risk area shifts further east to essentially along/east of the I-35 corridor east to Lake Michigan and south into Illinois. By Sunday night into Monday, as the front departs to the east, Low risks are predicted mainly east of I-55 in Illinois. Processing and fresh market growers located across the northern corn-growing region and into the Great Lakes area should continue checking traps and scouting fields as some corn earworm moth flights have been confirmed in the past week or so, likely from a weather system that moved through mid-month. Fields that are at a susceptible stage to damage should be monitored closely and appropriate treatments applied, if needed.