Insect Alert For

Corn Earworm

Risk Level:
Low Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

Low corn earworm migration risks are in the forecast on a nightly basis through Sunday night and Monday morning as a stagnant weather pattern is likely to remain in place through early next week. Hurricane Florence is likely to make land fall near the Carolina coasts late tomorrow or early Saturday, and is currently blocking weather systems from moving to the east across the corn-growing region. With high pressure in the eastern corn-growing region, southerly flow is confined to areas mainly west of the Great Lakes. As a result, Low migration risks are found on a nightly basis from central Nebraska north into the eastern Dakotas and east into Minnesota, Iowa, far western Wisconsin, and also far northwestern Illinois through the period. There may be a slight shift west in the risk tomorrow night into Saturday, but overall the pattern should stay in place. Growers with crops at susceptible stages to damage, especially fresh market and processing growers in the northern corn-growing region west of the Great Lakes, should continue to monitor traps and scout fields. The pattern looks to break early-mid next week, so no further migration risks are in the forecast after Monday morning at this time.