Soybean Aphid
Soybean aphid risks are being reduced to the Low category mainly from the eastern Dakotas east into central Minnesota, Wisconsin, and lower Michigan as well as into southern Ontario, Canada. Many fields are now past critical R5-R6 growth stages and soybean aphids are no longer a threat to many fields. There are some late or re-planted fields that may still be at risk especially from the eastern Dakotas into Minnesota, but problems are expected to be isolated versus scattered in nature. Growers that have some fields at or prior to R5 growth stages are encouraged to continue to scout their fields at least for the next several days and monitor any soybean aphid populations. Colder weather this weekend across the upper Midwest may result in many soybean aphids migrating back to buckthorn (overwintering host), so the threat from soybean aphids may subside especially as we move into the weekend and next week.