Western Bean Cutworm
The annual western bean cutworm moth flight is on the increase with continued higher moth captures and eventual egg laying expected in the next week in the usual hot spots for this insect. Moderate risks have been upgraded to High risks across central/southern Nebraska in the week ahead, with Moderate risks now enveloping much of the state of Nebraska and also into northeast Colorado and northern Kansas, as well. Moderate risks have also been expanded north into much of the northern half of Indiana, northwest Ohio, and into southern lower Michigan as the flight continues to intensify further north in this area. Generally lower pressure is possible as far north as South Dakota and east into western Iowa and northwest Missouri. Further east, Low risks continue in Wisconsin and further north into central lower Michigan and southern Ontario, Canada. Growers located in or near any of the risk areas should be monitoring traps and scouting fields, looking for not only moths but egg masses on favorable growth stages of corn for this insect.