Western Bean Cutworm
The annual western bean cutworm moth flight is expected to increase in the usual “hot spots” for this particular insect in the next week and beyond. Fields in northern Kansas and Nebraska as well as in the southern Great Lakes region are already seeing some moths at this time with counts generally on the increase. Additional moths are expected to emerge in the next week across Wisconsin, lower Michigan, and potentially into extreme southern Ontario, Canada and also further east into Ohio. Into next week, the flight is likely to intensify even more especially across the Plains states, and Moderate development risks are predicted across far northern Kansas into southern and central Nebraska. A higher percentage of corn may reach into the pollination/silking stage of the crop in this area compared to further east in the next week, further warranting an increase in the risk level by later this week. Growers are encouraged to continue to monitor traps and scout fields, especially those that are more advanced, and also take note of any egg laying on corn leaves especially where moth populations are generally higher.