Insect Alert For

Western Bean Cutworm

Risk Level:
High Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

The annual western bean cutworm moth emergence and flight continues in the areas where this insect is prevalent. Peak flight may have already occurred in portions of the Plains states, with counts showing signs of decreasing in Kansas and Nebraska. Nonetheless, moth pressure and potential egg laying is possible in these areas and a High risk remains in the forecast across southern Nebraska and northern Kansas in the next week. Moderate risks surround the High risk area in these same states as well as into northeast Colorado by mid-late week. Additional Moderate risks are found in the Great Lakes area especially from northern Indiana and Ohio into lower Michigan and southern Ontario, Canada, with Low risks from Wisconsin east across much of the Great Lakes area. Growers are encouraged to continue regular scouting efforts in/near the areas where this particular insect is present or has been observed in recent years as some local pressure is possible.