Insect Alert For

Western Bean Cutworm

Risk Level:
Moderate Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

The annual western bean cutworm flight is winding down in many areas, but crop stage still warrants a Moderate risk across northeastern Colorado and western Nebraska where some scattered problems may still be occurring, and also from lower Michigan east into southeastern Canada where both corn and dry beans may be at risk of seeing continued western bean cutworm damage in the next week. Lower risks surround the Moderate risk in Colorado, northern Kansas, and further east into central Nebraska. Additional isolated issues may still be observed in Wisconsin, northern Indiana and Ohio, and further north into lower Michigan and east into Canada not already included in the Moderate risk. Growers with crops still at susceptible stages to western bean cutworm damage are encouraged to monitor traps but regularly scout fields as the treatment window for this insect is very narrow to be effective.