Insect Alert For

Western Bean Cutworm

Risk Level:
No Risk
Affected Area:
No risk Full page
Alert Details

The annual western bean cutworm moth flight is expected to increase in the next week or two in the usual “hot spot” areas for this particular insect. Just a few moths have been caught in some of these areas thus far, but we expect moth captures to increase very soon given heat unit accumulations. Low risks are initially predicted for northern Kansas and southern/eastern Nebraska by tomorrow, with Moderate risks then entering the forecast by late week and into next weekend in this same area. Low risks are also being introduced to the forecast across Indiana, Ohio, and southern lower Michigan by late week and into next weekend. Growers with more advanced crops and also those in areas with a history of western bean cutworms should begin trapping efforts now, if not already, and prepare to begin scouting fields near or in critical growth stages here in the next 2-3 weeks. Treatment timing is critical with western bean cutworms, so even though we are likely a little bit of time away from peak flight and egg-laying, preparations should begin now in an effort to not be caught off-guard.