Insect Alert For

Western Bean Cutworm

Risk Level:
High Risk
Affected Area:
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Alert Details

Western bean cutworm peak flight is predicted to continue for the next week or so across a large portion of the central and northern corn-growing region especially to the east of the Mississippi River. Trap counts are holding steady or decreasing in many areas west of the Mississippi River in Nebraska and Iowa but continue at high levels with some increases noted especially to the east of Lake Michigan. High risks are found in far eastern Nebraska, Iowa, southeast Minnesota, Wisconsin, far northwest Illinois, Michigan, northeast Indiana, northern Ohio, northwest Pennsylvania and New York, and Ontario, Canada. Moderate risks are present from Nebraska and southeast South Dakota into southern Minnesota, Iowa, northern Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, northern Indiana, northern Ohio, northwest Pennsylvania and New York, and much of the crop-growing region of Ontario, Canada. Growers in the Moderate and High risk areas should monitor their crops closely for new moths and potential egg laying in the next few weeks as the annual generation and peak flight occurs.